(OLNEY) The Richland County Board met for its regular monthly meeting in March last night in Olney. The Board : approved the payment of all bills from February – $131,313 for county claims and $307,131 for non-county claims : approved a resolution to increase the number of Deputies within the Richland County Sheriff’s Department for the purpose of adding a second Student Resource Officer to the Richland County School District : agreed to renew the annual liquor licenses for Fox Creek and Berryville Vineyards : approved a resolution noting the County’s opposition to receiving immigration and asylum seekers from the state : approved the Local Debt Recovery Program thru the Illinois Comptroller’s Office : agreed to re-appointment of Bill Clow Jr. to a five year term on the Public Building Commission : agreed to award contracts to the low bidders from the recent February 6th bid letting : approved K. Wohltman Construction for repair work at the County Highway Garage, funded by a building insurance settlement : noted the county’s new dog pound should be open in July : noted the county’s new website should be operational by the end of the year : and agreed to hire Jessica Clark to oversee the Richland County Management Services while thanking Kevin Parker for his service : next meeting will be April 11th, 2024.