(OLNEY) The Richland County Board met for its August monthly meeting last night in Olney. The Board : approved the payment of claims for July worth $381,785 – which included $239,322 for non-county and $142,463 for county general : approved a renewal of insurance coverage from Blue Cross Blue Shield worth $20,000 : noted that most all of the ARPA Funds have been allocated other than some $87,000 in interest : approved a resolution in support & commitment of funds with the Greater Wabash Regional Planning Commission : agreed to reappoint Allen Barker and Rob Annis to the GWRP Commission : approved two raffle licenses as requested : heard an IT update, noting that Richland County’s website should be up and running by the end of September : heard and reviewed various other reports : and approved a proclamation to recognize Wednesday, August 21st, 2024, as Richland County Fair Board Day throughout Richland County : no action was taken after a short executive session to discuss negotiations & personnel : next regular meeting will be September 12th.