(NOBLE) The Noble Village Board met in regular session this past Monday night. The Board : approved the payment of all bills as presented : followed the recommendation of its Personnel Committee and agreed to the Locis Company to perform the Village’s treasurer duties beginning in late July – while Locis charges $4,000 for a 40 hour block, the company believes it can take care of the Village in 10 to 20 hours each month, barring any issues : discussed, but no action on the drainage issues in the Noble Cemetery, pending further information from the Village Engineer : noted the Board’s Finance Committee will meet tomorrow night at the Village Hall, beginning at 6:00, to review the budget : reminded village residents that Direct Debt/Autopay is being offered to all village water customers with the needed information on all water bills : noted that Village Hall will be closed on Thursday, July 4th : noted that the village wide mosquito spraying has begun : and noted this Saturday’s Freedom Festival & Parade in Noble : next regular meeting will be July 8th.