(NOBLE) The Noble Village Board met in regular session this past Monday night. The Board : approved the payment of bills as presented : accepted the $4,375 quote from Miller Time Tree Service to cut down five trees, plus remove stumps and cleanup – includes four trees on Park Street and one on East South Avenue : agreed to purchase the Direct Debt module from Locis at a one-time cost of $1,000, plus a yearly fee of $192 – this will give Village water customers the option to pay via auto pay online : approved an ordinance to abolish the Village’s Zoning Board of Appeals – while permits will continue to be available at the Noble Village Hall, anything other than a review by the Building Official will be decided by the Village Board : discussed nuisance properties that need mowed with letters to be sent out and tickets to be issued : noted a Noble Chowder meeting will be held tomorrow at the Village Hall, starting at 7:00 : noted that Villagewide Garage Sales will be this Saturday : and agreed to retain Charleston Engineering, Attorney Bart Zuber, and Kapper Company for services in the new fiscal year : the next Noble Village Board meeting will be May 28th.