(NEWTON) The Newton City Council met earlier this week on Tuesday night for a regular bi-monthly meeting. The Council : on a 4 to 1 vote, approved a $2,500 contribution to the Jasper County Chamber of Commerce : agreed to table the decision on a TIF application pending a response regarding TIF law : agreed to table a decision on an agreement with IDOT and the Indiana Rail Road concerning grade crossing improvements in Newton : approved a resolution to authorize Tax Abatement within the City’s Enterprise Zone : will host a stakeholders meeting at the next City Council meeting on July 16th at which time the Council will propose using Energy Transition Community Grant monies to build pickleball courts at Peterson Park : approved a Special Event Application submitted by the Newton American Legion Post #20 for a Barbeque Smoke-Off to be held August 23rd and 24th at the Jasper County Fairgrounds : noted that after long hours and hard work by City employees and volunteers that the Putt-Putt Golf Course at Peterson Park is back in great operating shape : and then adjourned after a 32-minute closed session to discuss possible litigation and personnel. The Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting will be Tuesday, July 16th.