(NEWTON) The Jasper County Board met for its regular monthly meeting last Thursday night in Newton. The Board : approved the payment of July monthly bills worth $287,602 : heard an update on the Jasper County Courthouse project, noting that site restrictions, bubble diagrams, and conceptual ideas have been worked on with a floor plan expected by the end of October : heard an update from the County Highway Department, noting that approximately 75% of the township oiling is complete with around 18 miles of county roads left to oil as of last week, plus noted that construction work on both the West Liberty Road project and the Fox Township Bridge project just west of Route 130 will begin after Labor Day : heard a positive Ambulance Service report, noting the new ambulance should arrive by the end of this week : noted repairs to the Courthouse roof above the Circuit Clerk’s Office are complete : noted the County of Jasper/City of Newton website has been launched and is now available for use – at either jaspercountyil.com or cityofnewtonil.com : noted that as of late last week, 75% of the Jasper County 2023 real estate taxes had been collected : discussed, but took no action on establishing a public safety tax in Jasper County : and then adjourned after a 48-minute closed session to discuss litigation and personnel : the next regular monthly meeting for the Jasper County Board will be September 19th at 6:00.