(NEWTON) It’s been announced that Jasper County, as Trustee, has completed its tax deed proceedings on real estate properties that were delinquent for the year 2020 and for mobile homes that were delinquent for the year 2021, along with other prior real estate taxes. As a result, Jasper County is now offering for sale the real estate and mobile homes obtained to the public. The list includes approximately nine(9) real estate items and four (4) mobile home items through a sealed bid auction sale. All sealed written bids must be submitted to the Jasper County Treasurer’s Office at the Courthouse in Newton or submitted online via iltaxsalebids.com no later than the close of business on Friday, August 16th. The required minimum bid on real estate is $834 and on mobile homes is $915 with all items to be sold to the highest sealed bid received. Bidder’s packets, sale catalogs, and more information is available at the Jasper County Treasurer’s Office in Newton or online at iltaxsale.com.