(SPRINGFIELD) The Illinois Department of Public Health reports respiratory virus levels are trending down across the state for the first time since last October. CDC data indicates all counties are now at the low level for COVID-19 hospitalizations, down 20% from the prior week. If people develop symptons of a respiratory illness, including coughing, sore throat, sneezing, a runny nose, or fever, the IDPH recommends staying at home and away from others to avoid spreading the illness to others. Go to for more info.

(SPRINGFIELD) The Illinois Department of Transportation is warning residents of the downstate area of heavy traffic that’s likely this coming weekend and next Monday throughout all of southern Illinois. While many will be able to see a partial version of the solar eclipse in the northern part of the state, thousands of visitors are expected to travel downstate to chase the eclipse and its path. The agency says crowds of up to 200,000 are expected to travel to the prime viewing areas in southern Illinois. Others are predicting the number of visitors will be more likely a half million (500,000) or more to see the event.

(SPRINGFIELD) The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services is marking a month-long observance to share child abuse and neglect prevention awareness messages and promote prevention efforts during Child Abuse Prevention Month in April. Officials say this year’s theme “Building Together – Prevention is Partnership” is really a call to action for folks to recognize that everyone in the community has a role to play in ensuring children grow up safe and loved and that families have the resources they need to thrive.

(SPRINGFIELD) The Illinois Manufacturers Association’s “Makers Madness” contest is starting to wrap up as statewide voters go online to choose the “The Coolest Thing Made in Illinois.” The final round of voting with the top four selections will be tomorrow, April 2nd, through this coming Sunday, April 7th, with the winner to be announced April 10th. Go online now to look over the Final Four items and to cast a vote at