(SPRINGFIELD) A federal judge in southern Illinois said yesterday he is “inclined” to not issue a temporary injunction against the state’s January 1st, 2024 gun ban registration deadline. That comes after the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules took no action in Chicago yesterday on proposed registry rule revisions. Therefore, since the committee took no action, the original emergency rules filed by the Illinois State Police back on September 15th remain in effect. The measure is still be challenged on several fronts in federal court.

(SPRINGFIELD) The State of Illinois is agreeing to not enforce a deceptive practices law against crisis pregnancy centers that do not offer abortion services. The announcement made yesterday has plaintiffs declaring victory, saying the state’s law enacted this past summer was a violation of free speech rights of organizations that do not agree with providing abortions. A federal judge has already enjoined the law, saying it is both “stupid and very likely unconstitutional” when it comes to the legality of the overall case.

(SPRINGFIELD) New legislation filed in the Illinois General Assembly would revoke the tax-exempt status of nonprofits that send funding to Hamas or other terrorist groups or organizations. Currently, efforts to block funding to Hamas and others like it have focused on overseas work. Under the new legislative proposal, nationwide nonprofits in America making the same mistake could lose their tax-exempt status throughout Illinois.

(SPRINGFIELD) The Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs is continuing to urge the public to help with its “Operation Rising Spirit” campaign for 2023, encouraging statewide service organizations, schools, communities, and individuals to write letters of appreciation to Veterans residing at Veterans’ homes in Anna, LaSalle, Manteno, Quincy, and Chicago. To participate, notes can be sent directly to the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs offices in Springfield ASAP or go online for details at