(GREENVILLE) Contestants in the 2024 Illinois Wheat Yield Contest used 10 different varieties and multiple tillage practices with 16 of the 47 entries producing over 100 bushels per acre. It was this past Friday that the Illinois Wheat Association (IWA) unveiled the results of this year’s contest during its Summer Wheat Forum in Greenville. David Justison of Montgomery County won with a top entry of 151.64 bushels per acre, followed by Wendell Good of Tazewell County at 137.3 bushels, Kurt Sudholt of Clinton County at 136.4 bushels, Charlie Meier of Washington County at 135.4 bushels, and Andy Schumacher of Shelby County at 127.4 bushels. Overall, Illinois’ wheat yield averaged 83 bushels per acre statewide this year, the second largest in a season, but down 4 bushels from last year’s record at 87.